How Does One Manage Insights on Yii2 Websites?


Work on the main thread should be kept to a minimum

Consider shortening the time it takes to parse, compile, and execute JS. You might find that sending smaller JS payloads helps.

JavaScript that isn't in use should be reduced

To reduce the number of bytes spent by network activity, reduce unneeded JavaScript and defer loading scripts until they are required.

CSS that isn't in use should be reduced

Reduce the number of bytes spent by network activity by removing unneeded rules from stylesheets and deferring CSS that isn’t used for above-the-fold content.

Ensure that text is visible while the web font is loading

Use the font-display CSS property to ensure that text is visible to users while web fonts are loading.

Third-party code should be minimized

Third-party code can have a big impact on load times. Limit the number of duplicate third-party providers and load third-party code after your page has finished loading in its entirety.

With an efficient caching policy, serve static assets

Repeat visits to your website can be sped up with a long cache lifetime.

Reduce the time it takes for JavaScript to run

Consider shortening the time it takes to parse, compile, and execute JS. You might find that sending smaller JS payloads helps.

Encode images quickly and efficiently

Images that have been optimised load faster and use less cellular data.

Serve photos in high-definition formats

WebP and AVIF image formats are frequently more compressed than PNG or JPEG, resulting in faster downloads and less data consumption. On the front-end side, how can Yii be made faster? (client acceleration) In addition to compressing the acceleration images Yii on the front-end side, additional components can be optimised to achieve:
  • Static file caching on the server-side (images, CSS, js).
  • Creatively using CSS.
  • CSS compression.
  • JavaScript is being added to the mix.
  • Compression js is a type of js that compresses data.
  • CSS and JS are being moved to the bottom of the HTML code page.
  • Unnecessary scripts and widgets are disabled.


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