Get To Know the Difference: Spring Vs Springboot


Since Spring supports a number of frameworks, including Struts, JSP, Hibernate, and others, we might compare it to the framework of frameworks. Spring is a lightweight application framework. Making standalone, professional Spring-based Applications is simple using Spring Boot. It is a microservice creation framework built on the Java platform. Word "spring boot" is composed of two words. Seasonal and Boot Combining the words spring and bootstrap means that the first portion of spring stands for the spring framework. Something that enables you to bootstrap a spring application from scratch is referred to as spring boot. The key distinction between spring and spring boot will be explained by XcelTec, a top provider of Java development services.

Difference between Spring Vs Springboot:

Where it’s used?:

A Java EE framework called Spring is used to create applications.

REST API development is the major use of the Spring Boot framework.

Key feature:

Dependency injection, a design method that removes dependencies from computer code to make the programme easier to maintain and test, is the core or most significant component of the Spring framework.

Autoconfiguration is the primary feature of Spring Boot. The process of automatically configuring a Spring application based on dependencies identified on the classpath is known as "Spring Boot autoconfiguration."

Through the elimination of the requirement to define some beans that are a part of the auto-configuration classes, auto-configuration can speed up and simplify development.

Why it’s used:

The purpose of Spring is to simplify Java EE (Enterprise Edition) development so that developers may work more efficiently. For quicker application development, Spring Boot adds the RAD (Rapid Application Development) functionality to the Spring framework.

Type of Application Development:

A loosely linked application can be created with the help of the spring framework.

A stand-alone application can be made with the aid of Spring Boot.

Servers’ dependency:

We must explicitly configure the servers in the Spring framework in order to test the Spring Project.

Tomcat and Jetty are just two of the built-in or embedded servers that Spring Boot offers.

In-memory database support:

The in-memory database is not supported by the spring framework.

H2 is one of the in-memory databases that Spring Boot supports.

Boilerplate code:

Even for simple tasks, the Spring framework requires too many lines of boilerplate code.

You don't use boilerplate code, which saves time and boosts output.


To construct a web application, Spring Framework needs a number of dependencies.

On the other side, Spring Boot only requires one dependency to make an application functional. Additional dependencies that are needed during build time are added by default to the final archive.

HTTP Authentication

In order to enable security confirmations, HTTP Basic Authentication specifies that a number of requirements and configurations must be enabled. To configure security in an application, Spring needs both the spring-security-web and spring-security-config requirements. Next, we must include a class that uses the @EnableWebSecurity annotation that extends the Web Security Configure Adapter.

These dependencies are also necessary for Spring Boot to function, but we only need to specify the spring-boot-starter-security requirement since this will already have added all the necessary dependencies to the class path.


Due to the substantial amount of source code, testing Spring Boot is more challenging than testing Spring Boot.

Spring Boot testing is simpler because there is less source code to maintain.

XML Configuration

The Spring framework needs XML Configuration.

In Spring Boot, no XML configuration is required.

CLI Tools

There is no CLI tool offered by the Spring framework for creating and testing apps.

For creating and testing Spring Boot apps, Spring Boot offers a CLI tool.


In contrast to Spring Boot, the Spring framework does not offer any plugins for Maven, Gradle, etc.

Maven and Gradle build tool plugins are offered by Spring Boot. The packaging of executable jars is one of the functionalities provided by the Plugins.

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