What Is Spring Boot? A Detailed Guide


An open source Java web framework called Spring Boot is based on microservices. The Spring Boot framework offers a completely customizable, production-ready environment thanks to its prebuilt code. You can also hire Java developers who are capable of building fully contained applications using the embedded application servers found in microservice architecture.

Benefits & Features of Spring Boots

With its auto-configuration, health checks, and opinionated dependencies, Spring Boot is a great choice for quickly creating Java apps.

Standalone Application:

without the need to modify the deployment, one may just build the application jar and launch it.

Embedded Servers:

includes prebuilt Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow application servers that may be used right away with no additional setup. Additionally, this allows for quicker, more effective deployments, which reduces restart times.


The configuration of Spring and other other frameworks will happen automatically.

Production-Like Features:

metrics, externalised setups, and health checks.

Starter Dependencies:

This will offer opinionated dependencies made to make build settings simpler. Additionally, this offers total build tool flexibility (Maven and Gradle).


Nothing more than a Spring plugin, Spring Boot streamlines the development, testing, and deployment processes. If you're having problems with the of your Spring Boot application development, XcelTec has a team of talented developers who can help you to streamline your project.


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